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Introduction to C++

Introduction to C++

C++ is an object oriented programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell laboratories.

An object oriented programming language focuses mainly on classes and objects.

Class : It is a group of objects with similar properties and behaviour. 
The term ' class' is used to define the class in C++. Basically, class is a template which defines the structure of the class. For example : car is a class that has a  state( Model, colour, engine, gear etc.)and behaviour (changing gear, speed, applying brakes etc.) 

Let us have a look at the first program in C++

void main()
    cout<<"\n HELLO";

Classes in programming : 
Keyword 'class ' is used to define a  class. 
It is used like a template of Abstract Data Type. 
It binds the data with the functions associated with it. 
It is like a blueprint of the data type. 

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